Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Clark Planetarium

This may be a bit of a biased activity coming from me. I tend to like all things science and cosmology (not cosmetology, two very different things) happens to be my favorite science. However I think this is a quality museum that can be fun for the less nerdy even. Most people go here for IMAX movies or shows in the dome theater, but there is so much more. For example they do these night classes called night school where a local cosmologist or astronomer will come in and explain some sort of cosmic happening to the class. I went on a night where they were explaining how there are hundreds of collector dishes scattered all around the Great Basin desert to collect and analyze cosmic rays. This was really interesting to me since having had worked at Sevier Lake for an entire winter I drove past these things on a daily basis. There are also lots of exhibits around the building showing off various telescopes, meteorites and rockets. One thing I found disappointing was the poster of the Ares rockets, which lost funding in 2010. I thought maybe they had been refunded, but when I got home and looked, sure enough they were not.

In summary what we have is a place where you can see space stuff, rocks, dome theater documentaries and laser shows and stop in the gift shop to buy awesome nerd toys on your way out. What more could you want?

The planetarium is super fun in a nerdy way.  I love the laser light shows and the 3-D IMAX documentaries. I have learned a great deal about the planets and enjoy their to scale model of the solar system.  I have actually started to learn about the planets on my own because of the interest sparked at the Planetarium.  The best part is the giant pendulum that shows the movement of the Earth.  I enjoy walking around the gift shop and seeing the awesome ways to teach kids about science and movement.  Over all I give it a must visit at some point during your stay (or life) in Salt Lake.

Check out their website here

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